Business continuity

Unleashing the Power of Co-Managed IT Services for Your Business

Unleashing the Power of Co-Managed IT Services for Your Business
Jeff Wisdom
Discover the benefits of co-managed IT services and how they can enhance your business's IT capabilities with cost-effective, reliable, and flexible solutions.
Unleashing the Power of Co-Managed IT Services for Your Business

As a business owner, you have a million things to juggle daily—managing employees, meeting client expectations, and many more. In the middle of all this, IT issues can become a real thorn in your side, causing downtime, security vulnerabilities, and an overall drag on productivity. This is where co-managed IT services come in to save the day.

But what exactly are co-managed IT services, and how can they benefit your business? In this guide, we'll explore the concept of co-managed IT services and how they can be leveraged to maximize and optimize your business's IT infrastructure.

Defining co-managed IT services

Co-managed IT services provide a partnership between your internal IT team and an external service provider. This hybrid approach allows you to supplement your existing IT staff with the expertise and resources of a managed service provider (MSP), ensuring your technology infrastructure runs smoothly without the need to completely outsource your IT operations.

In simpler terms, this service model allows you to have the best of both worlds---your internal team's knowledge and understanding of your business coupled with the specialized skills and resources of a managed service provider (MSP). This collaboration enables your business to access a wider range of IT expertise, resulting in enhanced efficiency, improved security, and better overall performance.

A reliable MSP providing immediate tech support for their client.

Pros and cons of co-managed IT services

Like any business decision, there are advantages and disadvantages to co-managed IT services. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of this approach.


Enhanced expertise

Co-managed IT services allow you to gain access to a diverse array of skills and knowledge that your existing IT team may not possess. By bringing in external expertise, you can enhance your problem-solving capabilities and foster innovative solutions tailored to your business needs. 

For example, if your in-house team struggles with cybersecurity measures, hiring a specialized consultant can provide advanced security strategies that protect your data and systems. This not only resolves immediate challenges but also empowers your team with new insights and practices to improve overall security in the long run.


Pay only for the services you truly need, eliminating the overhead costs associated with hiring full-time employees. For instance, if you're a business owner needing graphic design for a specific marketing campaign, instead of hiring a full-time designer, you can hire a freelance designer for just the duration of the project.

This way, you get high-quality work tailored to your needs without the long-term commitment or additional expenses of a full-time salary and benefits. This flexible approach allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on growing your business.


The co-managed IT service model tailors your IT support to meet the unique needs of your business, ensuring that you have scalable solutions that can grow alongside your company. For instance, if you're a small e-commerce startup, you might begin with basic technical support for your website and payment processing.

As your business expands and you start attracting more customers, you'll need to upgrade to a more comprehensive IT support package that includes cybersecurity measures, data management, and increased server capacity. This way, your IT support evolves with your business, allowing you to focus on growth and success without worrying about technical setbacks.


Getting co-managed IT services allows you to experience dependable IT support that ensures your business runs smoothly with even a rapid 15-minute response time and an impressive 95% first-call resolution rate. This means that when your team encounters a technical issue, you won’t be left waiting around for help.

For example, if your employees are unable to access an essential software tool, you can expect assistance within 15 minutes, and in most cases, the problem can be resolved during that initial call. This level of support minimizes downtime and keeps your operations efficient, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.

Increased security

Managed IT services not only enhance your organization's technological capabilities but also implement robust cybersecurity measures and ensure compliance with industry standards. This dual approach helps safeguard your business data from potential threats while aligning with regulations that protect your customers and company.

For example, imagine you run a small e-commerce business. By adopting co-managed IT services, your team can work alongside IT professionals who set up firewalls, conduct regular security audits, and provide employee training on recognizing phishing attempts. This partnership ensures that your customer data, such as payment information and personal details, is kept secure, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on growing your business.


Communication challenges

Co-managed IT services require effective communication between your internal team and the MSP. If there is a breakdown in communication, it can lead to delays or misunderstandings in addressing IT issues.

Integration issues

Integrating an external provider into your existing IT operations may present challenges, such as different processes and systems that need to be harmonized.

Finding the right partner

Choosing the right MSP for co-managed IT services can be challenging. It's essential to do thorough research and find a partner that aligns with your business's needs and goals.

An IT professional providing co-managed IT services for a client who needs help in their IT infrastructure.

When to consider the co-managed IT model

You might be wondering if co-managed IT services are the right choice for your business. Here are a few scenarios where this model shines:

Growing pains

As your business continues to grow, it’s common to find that your IT needs are evolving faster than your current team can manage. For instance, if you’ve recently launched a new product line that has significantly increased online sales, your website might experience a surge in traffic that your existing IT infrastructure can't support.

This could lead to slower website performance or even outages, frustrating your customers and impacting sales. Co-managed IT services can help bridge that gap by providing additional resources and expertise to support your business growth.

Skill gaps in your in-house IT team

For projects such as cloud services or cybersecurity, it's crucial to have specialized skill set that your internal IT team may lack. For instance, if your business is considering migrating to a cloud-based system, you need professionals who understand the intricacies of cloud architecture and security protocols.

Without this knowledge, you could expose your company to significant risks, such as data breaches or service interruptions. By hiring external experts or consultants, you can ensure a smooth transition and secure environment, allowing your internal team to focus on core business activities.

Cost concerns

If you're looking to enhance your IT infrastructure without the added costs of hiring and training new staff, consider leveraging co-managed IT services. For instance, instead of bringing on a full-time IT employee, a business owner could partner with a managed service provider (MSP) to handle their IT needs.

This could include services like network monitoring, cybersecurity, and data backup. By doing so, you gain access to a team of experts who can improve your systems' reliability and efficiency, allowing you to focus on growing your business without the overhead of additional personnel.

Security needs

Depending on your industry and type of business, you may be required to comply with certain regulations to protect your customers' data. With co-managed IT services, you can partner with professionals who have experience navigating compliance requirements and keeping up with the latest security protocols.

For instance, if your business collects sensitive personal information from clients or processes financial transactions, you must adhere to privacy laws and cybersecurity standards. By leveraging co-managed IT services, you can ensure that these crucial measures are in place while freeing up time for your internal IT department to focus on other priorities.

An MSP company monitoring their client's IT systems through co-managed IT services.

How to choose the right co-managed IT services provider

Selecting the right managed IT service provider is crucial to achieving your business goals. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

Assess your needs

Before choosing a co-managed IT services provider, it's essential to identify your current and future needs. This will help you determine the level of support and expertise required from your MSP.

Consider factors like your business size, industry regulations, growth projections, and any potential skill gaps in your internal IT team. This information will guide you in selecting a provider that can meet your specific needs.

Check their track record

Look for a provider with a solid track record of delivering reliable and secure IT services. Read reviews and ask for referrals from other businesses in your industry to get an idea of their experience.

You can also look into the company's certifications and partnerships, which can provide further insight into their expertise and credibility.

Evaluate their expertise

When considering a co-managed IT services provider, make sure they have the necessary expertise to support your specific IT needs. For instance, if you're looking for help with cloud services, ensure that the provider has experience and certifications in this area.

You can also ask about their training and development programs for their employees to ensure that they stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.

Consider their response time

Timely response times are essential for effective IT support. It's important to ask potential providers about their average response times and their procedures for managing urgent situations.

Opt for an MSP that not only addresses technical issues swiftly but also ensures minimal disruption to your business operations. A reliable partner will help keep your systems running smoothly, allowing you to focus on your core activities while they handle any technical challenges that come your way.

Look for flexibility

Your business needs may change over time, and your co-managed IT services provider should be able to adapt accordingly. Choose a partner that offers flexible solutions and can scale their services as your business evolves.

They should also be willing to work closely with your internal IT team, providing support and collaborating on projects when needed. This partnership approach ensures you receive personalized and adaptable support that they can continuously customize to your unique business needs.

Swift and effective co-managed IT services and solutions with Qbitz

Imagine having an IT partner who responds within minutes and solves your issues on the first call. That's the power of co-managed IT services. Whether you’re dealing with network outages, cybersecurity threats, or just need help desk support, co-managed services provide the perfect blend of in-house and external expertise.

At Qbitz, we understand the challenges of managing IT resources while trying to grow your business. We know that it's not always feasible to hire and train an entire IT team, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. That's why we offer a range of co-managed IT services to support your unique needs.

With Qbitz, you'll be able to:

  • Leverage the latest technologies without the added costs of hiring and training new staff
  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations and security protocols
  • Receive timely responses to technical issues, minimizing disruptions to your business operations
  • Benefit from a flexible and scalable approach to IT support tailored to your specific needs

Benefit from co-managed IT services today

Co-managed IT services allow many businesses to focus on their core activities while still receiving expert IT support. It's an efficient and cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes, providing access to a team of professionals without the overhead costs of hiring and training new staff.

When choosing a co-managed IT services provider, consider your specific needs, their track record and expertise, response time, flexibility, and partnership approach. With the right partner, you can streamline your IT operations and drive business growth.

For timely, reliable, and flexible co-managed IT services, contact us today. Let us handle your IT needs while you focus on taking your business to the next level.

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of co-managed IT services?

Co-managed IT services provide several advantages, including enhanced expertise, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. By combining the strengths of your internal team with those of a managed service provider, you gain access to a broader skill set and a range of services tailored to your business needs. This partnership can help organizations stay ahead of IT challenges and maintain smooth operations.

When do businesses need co-managed IT services?

Businesses often need co-managed IT services when their internal IT team is small or overworked, or when they face new projects requiring specialized expertise. Co-managed services can help fill gaps in your internal IT department, providing the necessary support without the need for full-time hires. This model allows businesses to customize their IT support to match their specific requirements and budget constraints.

How much does co-managed IT cost?

The cost of co-managed IT services varies based on the range of services included and the specific needs of your business. Typically, this model is more cost-effective than hiring and training new staff, as you only pay for the services you need. By working with a co-managed IT partner, you can manage your IT budget more effectively while ensuring you have the necessary support to keep your business running smoothly.

What is the difference between co-managed and fully managed IT services?

Co-managed IT services involve a collaborative approach where the internal IT team and an external service provider work together to manage the IT environment. In contrast, fully managed services are handled entirely by the external provider. The co-managed model for your business can offer a balance, allowing you to maintain control over certain aspects of your IT operations while benefiting from external expertise and resources.

How do I choose the right co-managed IT partner?

Choosing the right co-managed IT provider involves assessing your business needs, evaluating the provider’s expertise and track record, and ensuring they offer a flexible service model that can be customized to your requirements. Look for a partner with a quick response time, high first-call resolution rate, and the ability to provide a comprehensive range of IT solutions. Working with an MSP that understands your industry and business goals is essential to achieving the best results.

Can co-managed IT services help with new projects?

Yes, co-managed IT services can be particularly beneficial for new projects. Whether you're implementing new software, upgrading your infrastructure, or enhancing your cybersecurity measures, a co-managed IT partner can provide the expertise and support needed to ensure successful project completion. This approach allows your internal IT team to focus on day-to-day tasks while leveraging external resources for specialized projects.

Are there any cons of co-managed IT vs. fully managed IT?

One potential con of co-managed IT services is the need for clear communication and coordination between the internal team and the external provider. However, this can be mitigated by choosing a reliable and experienced co-managed IT partner who understands your business needs. Another consideration is the potential for overlapping responsibilities, which can be addressed through well-defined roles and processes.

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